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"..Guaranteed Goosebumps..." ~Trend Journal


Photographs from the summer of 2008 in Bermuda.

Ray swimming in Bermuda Ray boating in Bermuda Klaus and Ray in Hamilton Bermuda photo Picture of the gang at Blackbeard's having lunch. Lacey, Amanda and Haley at Swizzle Inn - Bermuda pic. Ray giving the finger at Swizzle - image. Rachek, Nicole and Ray at Swizzle Inn - picture. William and Ray at Swizzle Inn.  Great jamming!  photograph  Claire and Klaus on the beach at Tucker's Point, Tuckers Town, Bermuda - photo   Ray Charlotte and Mike at Swizzle Inn. picture Ray jams on the piano. image Ray at dinner at the Frog and Onion pub in Dockyard Bermuda - photo Ray jams with Dave Bootle at Henry the VIII's - Ray, take your hat off, please!!! Screaming my F*(&^^ng ass off. pix Anne Jonas Ray at St Catherine's Beach St George's Bermuda - picture Ray, Capt Ron and Roots aboard Calabash in Bermuda.  photos  Logan, Emily, Ray and Linds at end of night Swizzle - picture   Ray and the twins, Laure and Aude. Or is it Aude and Laure?  pics

More Bermuda Photos!

"Thank you for dropping by!~ Ray Pasnen!


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